Constitution & Bylaws
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Collapse ▲North Carolina Joint Council of Extension Professionals Constitution & Bylaws
Section 1: The organization known as the North Carolina Federation of Cooperative
Extension Associations (NCFCEA) was formed March 1974.
Section 2: The organization name was changed to North Carolina Joint Council of
Extension Professionals (NC JCEP) by vote of the membership on December 7, 2018.
Section 1: The primary purpose of NC JCEP is to establish and maintain a professional
structure through which members may be joined in a unified professional effort.
Section 2: The objectives of NC JCEP are as follows:
● To promote professional improvement of all professional Extension workers.
● To support and encourage the development of a united approach to a total
Extension program.
● To encourage and promote high professional standards and maintain a high
esprit de corps among all members.
● To promote understanding and cooperation among all Extension workers and to
provide a channel for exchange of ideas.
● To strive for increased opportunity for individual members to pursue a career in
their chosen area of Extension work.
● To establish and maintain a close relationship and line of communication with
Extension administration.
● To provide educational programs for the benefit of the members.
● To provide opportunities for recognition of leadership and service.
● To work for the benefit and service of members and ultimately for all the clientele
of North Carolina
Section 1: Membership in NC JCEP shall consist of North Carolina Association of
County Agricultural Agents (NCACAA), North Carolina Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (NCEAFCS), North Carolina Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals (NCAE4-HYDP), North Carolina Association of Cooperative Extension Specialists (NCACES), North Carolina Cooperative Extension Administrative Professionals Association (NCCEAPA), North Carolina Association of Extension Program Assistants, Associates and Technicians (NCAEPAAT), the North Carolina Xi Chapter, Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP), and North Carolina Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NCACDEP).
Section 2: NC JCEP membership is open to any professional Extension association at NCSU or NCA&TSU upon written request for membership. The board will review
the request, and if approved by a formal vote of the board, be brought for
consideration before respective associations within NC JCEP, and will be
brought before the NC JCEP membership at the annual meeting for a vote.
Section 1: The NC JCEP Executive Committee shall consist of the offices of President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster, Parliamentarian, Officer at Large, and Past President.
Section 2: Past President: The Past President shall serve as Advisor to NC JCEP in all matters, chairs the Constitution Committee, installs new officers at the annual meeting and serves as chair of the Auditing Committee.
Section 3: President: shall coordinate the business of NC JCEP and preside at all meetings.
● The President will invite guests as deemed appropriate. The President will
compose and present a Certificate of Appreciation to the Board of Directors at
the annual meeting of member association delegates.
● The President shall also serve as the representative for NC JCEP in its
relationship with groups and at designated functions on behalf of NC JCEP.
● The President is responsible for presenting common concerns and issues to
Administration. The President is to apprise members of upcoming NC JCEP
events and deadlines.
Section 4: President-Elect: shall preside in the absence of the President. Primary responsibilities include coordination of the annual meeting of member association delegates, and serving as a member on the Budget Committee to develop an operating budget.
Section 5: Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of NC JCEP, keep an
archive of minutes, constitution and by-laws and correspondence for historical purposes and provide these materials to the Webmaster in a timely manner.
● Secretary maintains any responses to issues/concerns/questions posed by NC
JCEP to Extension administration.
Section 6: Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for sending an invoice for dues to associations, receiving the funds of NC JCEP and shall disburse them as requested and signed by the President.
● The accounts of the Treasurer shall be audited at the close of the calendar year
by a committee composed of the Past President and President.
● The Treasurer will serve as chair of the Budget Committee.
Section 7: Parliamentarian: The Parlimentarian shall advise the presiding officer in responding to points of order and parliamentary inquiries, and generally provide advice on conducting the meeting according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
● The Parliamentarian shall maintain a current copy of the constitution and bylaws.
Section 8: Webmaster: The Webmaster shall be responsible for keeping information current and
updated on NC JCEP web page. This shall include, but not be limited to minutes of
meetings, member associations state and national information, NC JCEP meeting
information, NC JCEP officer listing and member associations officer listings.
Section 9: Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Committee and the
President and President-Elect from each member association.
Section 10: Board of Directors shall have the power to act on behalf of the
membership when NCJCEP is not in session as long as doing so does not compromise the integrity of the constitution and bylaws.
Section 11: Officer at Large: The Officer at Large serves as a voting member of the Executive Board as a representative from their association. The Officer at Large will serve as the Chair of the Recognition and Awards Committee.
Section 1: Offices of the Executive Committee: Past-President, President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Webmaster, and Officer at Large shall rotate according to the schedule outlined in Appendix B (at the end of the constitution and bylaws). Member associations will rotate up the list one level annually. The association holding the Past-President position will rotate to the bottom of the list. This shall be the established rotation for the future year. This list will be synchronously updated upon acceptance of member associations. One representative from each member association must be included on the Executive Committee. In order to accommodate new association membership, officer or member-at-large positions will be created at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Section 2: All slots of the Executive Committee positions, except Past-President and President, shall be filled by the respective member association following the rotation schedule in Appendix B (at the end of constitution and bylaws). Elected officers may serve only one consecutive term per office. To be eligible to serve as a NC JCEP officer, the candidate must be an active member in the association they represent.
Section 3: The President-Elect shall succeed to the Presidency unless opposition is
voiced through the Board of Directors.
Section 4: The President shall move to the position of Past-President and serve as
Advisor to NC JCEP.
Section 5: Member associations shall be responsible for filling any vacancies that occur on the Executive Committee and/or Board of Directors in the rotation slot they currently hold.
Section 6: No officer may hold two positions concurrently in NC JCEP.
Section 7: Term of office: The Executive Committee will be installed at the annual
meeting or other appropriate occasion and serve a one-year term from January 1 –
December 31. The Board of Directors shall follow this same service schedule.
Section 1: NC JCEP shall hold meetings as deemed necessary by the President. In
order to conduct official business, at least one person from each member association must be present.
Section 2: Proceedings, rules, parliamentary proceedings shall, except as herein
provided, be conducted according to Roberts Rules of Order, latest edition.
Section 1: The dues for NC JCEP shall be collected and forwarded from each member association to the NC JCEP treasurer in a timely manner approved by the Executive Committee. The dues of member associations shall be payable to NC JCEP by March 31.
Section 2: The amount of the annual dues shall be recommended by the Executive
Committee and approved by the member associations.
Section 1: The standing committees of NC JCEP shall be: Constitution and Bylaws;
Budget; Recognition and Awards, and Auditing Committee.
Section 2: The Past President shall be Chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, with Presidents from each member association serving as members.
Section 3: The Treasurer shall be the Chair of the Budget Committee, with the President and President-Elect serving as members. The Budget Committee shall prepare a proposed budget and present it for consideration at the first Board of Directors meeting.
Section 4: The Past-President and President comprise the Auditing committee. They shall audit the NC JCEP accounts at the close of the calendar year and present a report at the first Board of Directors meeting.
Section 4: The Officer at Large shall be the Chair of the Recognition and Awards
Committee, with President-Elects from each member association serving as members.
Section 5: Other committees shall be organized as the President and/or Board of
Directors deems necessary. Committees shall consist of one representative from each member association. Representatives are to be chosen by their respective associations.
Section 6: To facilitate smooth committee transition, incoming and outgoing Committee Chairs will convene briefly during a session of NC JCEP to be determined by the President.
Section 1: Ratification of this constitution and by-laws must be accomplished by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at the meetings of the individual associations, provided the membership of each association is notified in writing of the ratification vote at least thirty days in advance. Said notice shall include a copy of the proposed constitution and by-laws.
Section 2: This constitution and by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present at any annual (currently the forum) or special meeting of NC JCEP, provided the total membership is notified of the proposed changes at least thirty days prior to the meeting.
Section 3: Amendments to this constitution and bylaws shall take effect immediately unless superseded in this document.
Appendix B – Rotation Schedule
Office | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Officer-at-Large | NCEAFCS | NCACES | NCCEAPA | NCAE4-HYDP | ||
By-Laws Revised
December, 2020
December, 2018
December, 2012
December, 2011
March, 2011
December, 2004
December, 2003
August, 2002
December, 2000
Rotation Updated
December, 2020
December, 2018
December, 2012
December, 2003
December, 2001